Sunday 10 April 2011

Camera Issues

Camera Issues:

We all know the Arc takes fabulous photos in low light, as evidenced by some of the stuff posted here, but Bex Foster from the Tech Lab has raised a valid question about the zoom capabilities (or lack thereof) on the Arc and Play. 

See here for original post and discussion:

There IS a zoom facility when you take take pictures at 2M resolution but seeing as though the phone can take 8M pictures why you would use this setting is beyond me. This is something that could (and should) be a problem as it's a bit weird to have a really good camera phone with limited zoom capabilities and does seem like a step backwards.

Maybe it's the BRAVIA software interfering with the zoom mode? I'm not sure, but this issue has popped up a lot in the last few days. Using third-party apps lilke Vignette will grant you zoom in 8M, plus a full-screen, 16:9 display. But, as stated above, why should we use third-party apps to do what was previously available on an older phone with older software?

Update 11/04/2011:
Xperiablog seems to have picked up the original thread of our discussion on Facebook and have run their own post:


  1. Thanks for bringing this issue up here. I do find this to be very strange. I automatically assumed the Xperia Arc would be capable of this, while using the full potential of the camera, ie it's full 8MP mode, instead of going down to the 2MP mode. I didn't expect the Play to do this, as it isn't the focus of the Play handset (although would be good to know if it's a hardware or software limitation).

    Vignette is the app I was trying to think of before, how do the pics come out while using that? - Although I do agree, it would be better if you could do this without using a third party app.

  2. Xperiablog seems to have picked up the original thread of our discussion on Facebook and have run their own post:
