Wednesday 1 June 2011

Facebook Inside Xperia

Installed the Hong Kong 2.3.3 update last week and got the fabled Facebook Inside Xperia software with it. First problem, the music tagging doesn't work if your phone has been bootloader hacked. Damn. There is someone on XDA crowing about how his phone is hacked, rooted and tagging music but I think he's full of shit.

The Gallery option with FiX, that shares your Facebook albums to your phone worked fine for me last week on the HK firmware, in fact I demoed the bloody thing with my wedding album, in the office. However, since installation of the UK 2.3.3 through SEUS on Thursday, starting yesterday my Facebook albums in the Gallery are behaving very strangely.

The albums do appear in the Gallery, but only with a title (no thumbnail). When I move the screen to select/view additional albums the whole lot disappears, along with everything except for the photos I've been tagged in - or what may be photos I personally have tagged myself in - and only up as far as 2009. It's like the phone knows they're there but is unable to see the actual image.

The phone has been in permanent sync for over 2 hours since I repaired the FW (just in case it was that) - when I installed the HK firmware last week, the phone synched Gallery to Facebook inside of 5 minutes.

From checking the boards at SEUK I can someone has had to change their privacy options in order to allow the app in. From my point of view, this is pretty crap - the whole point of this integration shouldn't come at the cost of privacy from total strangers.

Not really sure why this is happening, I've even tested FiX on my other Arc - bootloader intact - to see if the same problem occurs. It does.Facebook claims I'm tagged in minus 91 photos, so I'm wondering if it's something going on with Facebook as opposed to the handset, with the sheer volume of people attempting to use the service? It would be great if it worked though, otherwise the much-vaunted FiX is going to be entirely useless on my phone.

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